
Financial Education for All
We are dedicated to improving financial readiness for people in all community sectors and all career and life stages by providing the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed, intelligent financial decisions. We offer a wide range of curricula on numerous financial topics that support various educational, business, social service, civic, and faith-based organizations across the country.
We have more than 60 financial education presentations that vary in duration and format. All content can be tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs. Let us know how we can help your organization provide great financial education!
In addition to educational presentations, this page also includes web-based training courses and financial calculators. Except for our FERS and CSRS Retirement Benefits Program, all educational content, resources, and tools are available at no charge!

FERS & CSRS Seminar Testimonials
Great Presenter and Presentation was spot on. Thank you.
– Almando G.
Outstanding webinar. I’m glad I have attended. thank you…This was excellent. I should’ve done this earlier in my career. thank you again…
– Arthur V.
– Benjamin
– Bryan C.
Ed did a terrific job
– Charles
Thank you so much! My favorite suggestion is to find an advisor on federal benefits. This is a lot of info to take in and digest… thanks for the cautions too! thank you Steve. loved the steps as retirement approaches.
– Crystal
Excellently presented, easy to digest and expert presenter
– Daniel
Phenomenal job goes to all help put together PPS and the briefer. Thanks a million!!!!
– Deborah
Very well done even in webinar format.
– Doug
an excellent product. I really wish I could have attended this 5 years ago to help me plan.
– Eric
Excellent speaker. Awesome job!
– Eric W.
The presenter was very very good! Highly recommend him again to anyone needing the training
– Gayle
Enjoyed the instructor Ed Noble– pleasant voice and excellent speaker.
– Jaelyn S.
– James
Very good information to know and consider upon retirement time. Thanks for the time taken to enlighten people on their options and looking out for our future.
– John
– Kerwin
– Kurt
– Lea
– Melissa
Steve is an excellent trainer and an asset to your company!
– Michael S.
– Michael
Ed Noble did an outstanding job!
– Michael B.
– Nathan
– Pam
– Patricia P.
– Paul D.
– Peter
– Rainer D.
– Randy
Wish I had done this 3 years ago. I am retiring in 2 years.
– Reva
Very well done and well presented. Steve Morrow did a wonderful job
– Richard
– Rick
– Rose Marie M.
Great instructor! Great job. Well worth the time. Thank you!
– Sally
This instructor was very interesting and great! I especially loved his real world examples and helping us visualize the retirement process. At a relatively young 38 years old, this was very eye opening. I had to start thinking about several things that I hadn’t pondered much before. Thank you!
– Scott C.
Great seminar! Will recommend to all my coworkers.
– Stephanie L.
-very valuable information regarding the transferring of funds between accounts, many insights that were very enlightening and helpful.
– Tamara S.
Ed was a Great Host. I would recommend that all new employees sign up for the class.
– Thomas M.
– Thomas M.
Ed is an outstanding presenter. Provided a very even and understandable flow to provide a great deal of information in 2 days. It would have been nice to have this discussion when I was 25 years old.
– Thomas Z.
Steve was a great facilitator and did a great job with the virtual learning.
– Tony
The speaker is excellent. Everything is well prepared too.
– Tran L.
Very Informative and well executed presentation. Great job Steve and thank you very much.
– Victor D.
Great info and very detailed. Thank you much!
– Vincent T.
Steve’s knowledge is vast, and he was able to break it down, so it was easy to comprehend and ensured we understood it before moving on to the next topic. I would recommend this presentation to any fire department that has civil service employees.
– Jerry B.
General Financial Education Presentations
We offer a comprehensive library of presentations on numerous topics suitable for all community sectors, including federal civilian employees. Our library of presentations is customizable. They can be used for individual briefings or combined for a more comprehensive program to address the needs of a particular audience.
Our presentations and seminars can either be conducted by one of our volunteer speakers, or we can train individuals from an organization to do them.
• General Financial Presentations and Seminars List
• Presentation Request Form

Downloadable Financial Resources
Budget Basics
Understanding Credit
Managing Personal Debt
Personal Loans
Money Behaviors
Investing Fundamentals
Planning for Retirement
Life Insurance
Developing a Financial Plan
Financial Education: The Key to Financial Stability and Security

Command Debt Terminator Debt
This tool can be used to develop a strategy to pay off debts. By entering a few pieces of information, you will receive a plan to eliminate your debt.
• Enter data about your current debts
• Enter information about additional monthly or lump sum funds you can apply to your debts
• Select the method you’d like used to calculate the debt schedule (order entered, lowest balance first, highest balance first, highest interest rate first)
• Click on the Calculate button to see the plan
(Note: you cannot save this plan online. You can, however, print it for future reference. If you want to revise the data, click the Back To Calculator button and make your changes.)
* Please note these calculators are provided for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon as financial advice. Always consult a financial advisor or counselor familiar with your personal situation before taking specific actions that could affect your economic well-being. First Command Educational Foundation does not endorse or favor any commercial supplier, product, or service.
Spending Plan Tool
The Spending Plan Toll is a spreadsheet you can use to organize your finances. To use, download and click Open to open the document. If you would like to save this spreadsheet to your computer click Save or Save As.
- The spreadsheet has 5 pages: #1 Net Worth Worksheet, #2 Monthly Income Worksheet, #3 Monthly Savings and Expenses Worksheet, #4 Debt Worksheet, and #5 Goal Worksheet.
- Enter your data in the appropriate area of the appropriate worksheet, and calculations will be automatically made to help to determine the amount you will need to reach your goals.
- You are also given an area to make notes on ways to achieve your financial goals.
* Please note these calculators are provided for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon as financial advice. Always consult a financial advisor or counselor familiar with your personal situation before taking specific actions that could affect your economic well-being. First Command Educational Foundation does not endorse or favor any commercial supplier, product, or service.